John Sini, Jr

Partner, Portfolio Manager/Equity Analyst 

John graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Business and Economics with a concentration in Finance from Lehigh University in 1994. After working as a financial analyst in the Valuation Services Group of Arthur Andersen, John spent three years as an equity research analyst with Merrill Lynch, where he had research responsibilities in the telecommunications services industry. Before joining DCLA in 2004, John was a Senior Vice President at Pequot Capital Management. At Pequot he was responsible for research and investments in the telecommunications, media and technology sectors for over five years. John has served as the Chairman of the Planning & Zoning Commission of Darien, CT and was elected to its Board of Education in 2019. John became a partner of the firm in 2006.

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Important Disclosures

References to the firm being founded refer to DCLA’s predecessor, Douglas C. Lane & Associates, Inc.